23 Years in North Carolina Public Schools!

@ncdpiDTL #ncwiseowl

NCWiseOwl (NC Windows for Online Learning) has been providing online subscription resources for our schools since 1999. Our mission is to ensure that all public school NC students have access to a collection of online resources for use in educational pursuits, without regard to the economic status of their local school system. NCWiseOwl has four major strengths as an educational resource:
QUALITY - Information on the Internet at-large is often unreliable and inappropriate for use in K-12 classrooms. NCWiseOwl’s subscription databases provide access to articles from thousands of magazines, from online encyclopedias and reference databases, and from a variety of other sources that are only available through subscription services including eBooks and subject-aligned reference centers.
ECONOMY - By purchasing databases at the state level we can achieve an economy-of-scale that saves hundreds of thousands of dollars over the cost of individual public school units purchasing the same resources individually.
RELIABILITY - Using NCWiseOwl for online research places students in a safer, advertisement-free environment with age-appropriate information and tools that assist students with the research process.
INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT – NCWiseOwl provides educators with classroom-ready content as well as materials for research. Students and educators also have academic as well as leisure reading opportunities. NCWiseOwl resources support:

• Reading Literacy • Research Processes • Personalized Learning • Digital Literacy • Individualized Learning • English Second Language • Content Integration • Platform Integration

NCWiseOwl resources are available anywhere that Internet access is provided. School systems may register their networks so that no passwords are required when using devices on campus. Passwords may be obtained from the school or system-level media and/or technology personnel to permit access outside of school facilities. Access is also available through local Canvas Learning Management Systems.






NCDPI DTL Division
NCWiseOwl is available to North Carolina Public School Units for school and remote use through funding at NC Department of Public Instruction, Division of Digital Teaching and Learning. Students should work in partnership with teachers and parent/guardians while curating digital content through NCWiseOwl. Students, parents and educators should adhere to locally adopted Acceptable Use Policies and other applicable guidelines/standards. Visit the toolkit linked above for best practices and tutorials.